Home Daily Meditation Luke 13, 22-30

Luke 13, 22-30

by Fr. Luis A. Zazano
Luke 13, 22-30

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 13,22-30. 

Jesus passed through towns and villages, teaching as he went and making his way to Jerusalem.
Someone asked him, “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” He answered them,
Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.
After the master of the house has arisen and locked the door, then will you stand outside knocking and saying, ‘Lord, open the door for us.’ He will say to you in reply, ‘I do not know where you are from.’
And you will say, ‘We ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets.’
Then he will say to you, ‘I do not know where (you) are from. Depart from me, all you evildoers!’
And there will be wailing and grinding of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourselves cast out.
And people will come from the east and the west and from the north and the south and will recline at table in the kingdom of God.
For behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.”

God wants you to be saved and to save.

1) Francis: Saint Francis of Asissi gave a great lesson with this passage: when rebuilding the chapel, he made the entrance small in size to remind us that we must bow to be in the way to holiness. Examine yourself if you have to be more humble before God and realize you can be coming a bit arrogant with life.

2) Move away: There are people who do evil, you, like me, are not an exception. Let’s be honest with ourselves and accept that we often do some things which are really not correct. Examine yourself, and think of the damage that you did consciously, being aware you did it.

3) Belong to God: There are times when we believe that we know everything, we even believe that we know all about Jesus just because we can belong to a group or to a certain religious movement. Remember, love can be measured by the things you do, not just by the words you say.

God bless you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And don’t forget: heaven is our goal.

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