Home Daily Meditation Lucas 16,19-31

Lucas 16,19-31

by Fr. Luis A. Zazano
Luke 16, 19-31

Evangelio según San Lucas 16,19-31

Jesús dijo a los fariseos: “Había un hombre rico que se vestía de púrpura y lino finísimo y cada día hacía espléndidos banquetes.
A su puerta, cubierto de llagas, yacía un pobre llamado Lázaro,
que ansiaba saciarse con lo que caía de la mesa del rico; y hasta los perros iban a lamer sus llagas.
El pobre murió y fue llevado por los ángeles al seno de Abraham. El rico también murió y fue sepultado.
En la morada de los muertos, en medio de los tormentos, levantó los ojos y vio de lejos a Abraham, y a Lázaro junto a él.
Entonces exclamó: ‘Padre Abraham, ten piedad de mí y envía a Lázaro para que moje la punta de su dedo en el agua y refresque mi lengua, porque estas llamas me atormentan’.
‘Hijo mío, respondió Abraham, recuerda que has recibido tus bienes en vida y Lázaro, en cambio, recibió males; ahora él encuentra aquí su consuelo, y tú, el tormento.
Además, entre ustedes y nosotros se abre un gran abismo. De manera que los que quieren pasar de aquí hasta allí no pueden hacerlo, y tampoco se puede pasar de allí hasta aquí’.
El rico contestó: ‘Te ruego entonces, padre, que envíes a Lázaro a la casa de mi padre,
porque tengo cinco hermanos: que él los prevenga, no sea que ellos también caigan en este lugar de tormento’.
Abraham respondió: ‘Tienen a Moisés y a los Profetas; que los escuchen’.
‘No, padre Abraham, insistió el rico. Pero si alguno de los muertos va a verlos, se arrepentirán’.
Pero Abraham respondió: ‘Si no escuchan a Moisés y a los Profetas, aunque resucite alguno de entre los muertos, tampoco se convencerán'”.

The rich man and the poor man

1) The rich man had luxuries but only material wealth. The evangelist describes the things he had: how beautiful and majestic everything he owned was! He had riches to live with, but he did not really ‘live’. He held parties, but these were only to feed his narcissism; to mark his earthly power. He dressed to draw attention to himself and to differentiate himself from others. Today, you might be that kind of person. Do you always want to draw attention with your comments ?With your attitudes,? Do you want to be right about everything ? Do you always want to be in the spotlight? Be careful not to be smug, seeking to provoke others but then not accepting the consequences. It is easy to fall into vanity. Parties are fun, but many like fun as a form of escaping from reality. Don’t fall into situations like these, because it’s very difficult to get out of them. You can get used to showing off, trying to be the focus of attention, but that is fleeting, and ends in nothing.

2) Poor Lazarus. The sores are our wounds. Today, perhaps you are like that poor man who has wounds that are raw and that make you bitter. You may be that person who seems out of place by the way he lives because he does not go out partying like so many others. Jesus said many times that we are in this world, but we don’t belong to this world. How many times do we say “look at this one who is careless about life and yet look how well he is doing; and I on the other hand, try to lead life in the best way possible and all sorts of things happen to me.” Today God reminds you that we are all going to die and that sooner or later we’ll face a trial. Today, remember that the feast begins in Heaven and it is eternal.

3) In eternity. We all know that there is heaven and hell, but it depends on us whether each day of our life is our heaven or our hell. Remember that you can’t make a mockery of your life; you shouldn’t turn everything into fun and jokes as if nothing will ever happen. Yes, you can’t live as if the world begins and ends in you. Life also involves really seeing those around you. Look around you because there are many Lazarus and many sores; Many people who are hurting and who need you. You also have to heal your sores and heal your life, take your life seriously. Life is beautiful ! Live Life with God, in God and for God, and I can assure you that your life will become a feast…a Feast of Faith.

God bless you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Remember, Heaven is our goal!

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Luke 16, 19-31

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