by J.R. Arévalo

We are all sailing in the boat, in this boat everyone is allowed. Many things happen in it, in fact we can see every aspect of our lives happen in it.

The Lord spoke to His people from the boat spreading the Gospel (Lc. 5:3).

In the boat there is scarcity and abundance (Lc.5: 5-7), sometimes we starve and sometimes we feast.

In the boat we learn how to work hard, even if we cannot see results and even more when we fail. In it we learn obedience ‘Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch’ said the master.  ‘Master, we worked hard all night long and caught nothing, but if you say so, I will pay out the nets’- answered the impulsive galilee. (Lc.5: 4-5)

From the boat we jump into the waters, Peter jumped twice and both times he sank. The first for his lack of faith (Mt. 14:30), the second ashamed by his nudity when he knew he was in the presence of the Lord (Jn. 21:7). Always loving, the Lord always came to his encounter to lift him up.

Sailing in the boat many things happen, we live serenity and we live storms, but we are never alone, we have each other and we learn to support one another (Lc. 5: 7).

Sailing in the boat we witness miracles just like that one when the Lord reprehended the winds and in awe the disciples asked, ‘Whatever kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?’ (Mt. 8: 27). Remember that other that happened not once but twice? (Lc. 5: 5-7 y Jn. 21: 6)

Sailing in the boat the Lord sleeps and even though he navigates by our side, His silence can be deafening, it seems He is not there. Through our tribulation it seems we cannot wake Him even if we yell insistently; but then He rises and joyful we see the God that brings salvation. The very same that teaches us, guides us, lifts us and at time reprehends us our lack of faith Jn. 21: 7). 

This boat has more than two thousand years, we are all sailing in the boat, in this boat everyone is allowed. The boat will never sink and ‘the gates of the underworld can never overpower it’ (Mt. 16: 18).

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